Bruno Mars’ “Just the way you are” music video defies the song’s message

Just the way you are by Bruno Mars is one of those feel-good songs that instantly make you want to fall head over heals in love. That is, until you see the video

 Clever concept versus distorted perception of love

I was already including the song in my current favourites list, shamelessly humming it in supermarkets and on the treadmill in the gym, when I was encouraged to watch the video by my graphic designer colleague. “From a conceptual design point of view, it’s a masterpiece!” she said excitedly, knowing I appreciate clever design.

So I watched it and, yes, the concept is indeed amazing. But it would have been even more amazing if you could actually appreciate the conceptual genius instead of being distracted by the female actor in the video: A picture perfect model. How difficult will it be for any man to like a woman “just the way she is” when she has doe eyes, satin skin and voluptuous hair, to go with her swimwear model figure?

 Hurray! Society is campaigning for real love

 Needless to say, I was upset. But after my blood cooled a little, I scrolled down to view the comments. And behold, there was hope. The other viewers were all on my side, saying the video reinforces unrealistic perceptions of physical appearance and the importance thereof promoted by the media, misses the whole point of the song, and it would have been more appropriate to use an elderly couple who is still in madly in love, wrinkles and all. Ditto.

One response to “Bruno Mars’ “Just the way you are” music video defies the song’s message

  1. Brilliant writing

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